Old Dog Cries Every Night At The Shelter After His Owner Pa.ssed Away!

So happy someone adopted Scooter and he is adjusting well!

An old Chihսahսa dog named Scootеr went through a lonely and mi.sera.ble time after the [de.a.th] of its owner. He became a homeless dog and had to fend for himself. It was a big turning point in the life of a dog who had been pampered in a warm home before.

Fortunately, Scootеr was not a.band.oned. The locals took him to a homeless shelter. However, the following days of Scootеr still accompanied loneliness. Younger dogs, especially puppies, were quickly adopted. Meanwhile, Scootеr and the other old friends continuously lo.se hope because they are le.ft in the shelter.

Scootеr is truly a special and loving dog. He often curls up in blankets during the day and cries at night. Maybe he misses his owner and his previous life very much. Those pitiful actions made the shelter employees feel unhappy for him. They decided to do something to save the last days of the old dog Scootеr’s life.

The employees took pictures of him and shared them on Fb. They shared that they hope anyone will welcome this po.or old dog into their loving home. The dog desperately needs warmth in the last days of his life.

Scootеr is not the only case of having to stay in the shelter for a long and difficult time. Many dogs are a.ban.do.ned, for many reasons, mainly because the owner has pa.ssed away. They become feral dogs because there is no one to take care of them and there is no home. They are admitted to the shelter for safety and food and have a chance to be loved again.

Scootеr was lucky when his photos went viral on social media. He successfully attracted a lot of interest, including Jеssica Howard, who was chosen to raise Scootеr. She loves animals and has successfully rescued many stray dogs. Moreover, she is Scootеr’s old neighbor. Jеssica promises to take good care of this poor dog and to love him for the rest of her life.

Jеssica brought the old dog home shortly after. Looks like he’s enjoying his new home and new friends. He quit crying every night and changed his demeanor. Right now, he is living a happy life, which is what he deserves.

So glad Scooter has found a loving home bless him. 

Thank you to the kind lady who adopted him

May Scooter be healed of the pain of his owner pa.ssing with love by his new family!

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