In the middle of rush hour, a guy runs into traffic to save a scared puppy in the center of the highway. Gil Estrada first noticed the small puppy meandering across traffic during rush hour, but from behind the monitor, there was nothing he could do.
He stated:
“It was difficult to see. The dog was getting closer to getting struck.”
Estrada was in the Phoenix Transit Operations Center, many miles away, watching the terrified dog flee through a traffic camera. The employee in charge of the ADOT (Arizona Department of Transportation) cameras noticed the dog in the SR51 freeway median.

The animal had been trapped there for almost an hour. The dog somehow managed to jump through the traffic and find a safe place for the time being. That’s when Estrada took advantage and drove out to his spot in his car.
“I approached him with caution and sweet words, and luckily something good happened.”

ADOT is still looking for the dog’s family, which is gaining a lot of media attention. The dog lacked a collar and a microchip, so it is unclear where it came from or how it ended up on the highway. It was discovered to be female and is currently known as Dottie. She must be claimed within a week or she will be available for adoption.

Her new host family at Arizona Equine Rescue Organization is showering her with affection (AERO). If the family cannot be located, AERO will assist in finding a suitable home for this incredible survivor.

AERO announced on Facebook:
“We don’t often undertake a lot of animal rescues, but something about this puppy’s predicament inspired us to detour from the usual. We’ll call her Dottie because we don’t know her name.”
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