This Squirrel rescued from Hu.rricane Isaac can’t Sleep without her cuddly teddy Bear!

All Animals deserve to live…!

Thankfully, the tiny creature was found by a kind woman who took care of her and helped her to make a full recovery.
Thank you for saving this squirrel. You truly have a great heart.

Jill was only a couple of weeks old when [Hurr.icane] Isaac hi.t Louisiana, back in 2012. The nature’s furry let the baby squirrel [] after falling off her nest.
Thankfully, the tiny creature was found by a kind woman who took care of her and helped her to make a full recovery.

Now, the 7-year-old squirrel’s life has dramatically changed. She decided to not going back in the wild, but to stay with the people who saved her life. And so glad she did, because Jill is now her cuteness is overwhelming!
The adorable squirrel spend her days posing and napping. She loves napping.

Jill even has her very own miniature teddy bear and she can’t sleep without him. Needless to say, the internet falls in love with the charming duo.
Squirrels sleep together normally, so I suppose this teddy gave her comfort!

As you probably guessed, her mom is in love with her too and she took Jill everywhere.
Her human mom says: Jill has come with me on vacation ever since I began caring for her — before she was even a year old. She is a pro at long drives.

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It’s Wonderful to know that there were still people out there that will help save animals of any kind thank you so much for being the heroes of these beautiful little creatures the guy gave to us to Miller and enjoy and matter what the creature is they should all be loved!

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The world is a better place when there are people willing to make teddy bears for rodents.

God bless that women for helping this sweet Squirrel…!

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