An Elderly Dog Weeps With Joy When Her Best Friend Returns From The Army!

Not only the dog but even you will also be touched by this touching reunion…!

Your dog really missed you. That’s Unconditional love. Such a special love. Happy they have reunited. 

Buddy is a 13-year-old Golden Retriever who spent her entire life with her best friend Hannah Foraker. And Hannah enlisted in the army and went to basic training in Oklahoma when she turned 21.

When Hannah returned home for Christmas after three months away at basic training, she couldn’t wait to see Buddy. Buddy couldn’t contain her joy and excitement when she saw Hannah again. She buries her head in Hannah’s lap and begins to cry in joy the moment she sees her after three months apart. Of course, Hannah was moved and began to pet her beloved friend.

It’s photos like this that bring tears to your eyes…!

Buddy is very old now, art.hritis, and mostly, but nothing stopped her from receiving Hannah with the best welcome.
Foraker said: We opened the front door and she came running out and greeted me and my family, but then kind of did a double-take and came back to me.

The dog is the most devoted of all animals. They never forget those they love and give them “Unconditional Love”.
This is true love of a dog and his best friend reunite together thats a is a great welcome home for them both. So it just proves that animals have got feelings too

That is a special love.

Thank God you came home dogs never forget and love forever. God Bless them both. 

Bless you dog! Animals are so affectionate and loving… 

May they have a rich life together bless them both. 

Watch the emotional reunion in video bellow:

The friendship between humans and dogs is magical and heartwarming. Have you ever seen such a reunion?

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