Stray Dog Walks To Pharmacy And Asks For Help Her Injured Paw

It is surprising that sometimes you just can’t imagine but you become a rescuer for someone.

This happened to Banu Cengiz, a pharmacist in Turkey was recently taken by surprise after seeing a stray dog wandering expectantly in front of her pharmacy.

The dog stood at the door with a feeble expression, looked at Banu Cengiz as if he wanted to say something.

Banu Cengiz thought that there was something wrong, so she rushed to the dog and noticed that its paw was bleeding. So as to ask for help, the dog started wagging her tail and put her injured paw on Banu’s hand.

She welcomed the dog inside and immediately cleaned the wound with antiseptic. She also gave the dog with food, water, and antibiotics.

Luckily the dog seemed to understand Cengiz’s good intentions, so he acts like a perfect patient, sitting patiently while receiving treatment.

The weary pup rest on a dog bed till closing time after getting the treatment she needed. But, unfortunately she could not get her home even though she helped them with food and try to find them a home.

Cengiz has helped many stray animals, but she still wished she could do more.

People should teach their children to love and respect animals and nature.

Teach everyone to consider them part of families and the world becomes beautiful.

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