Adorable dog in a green coat sits outside waiting for his Mom!

Mom Gives Dog Her Own Coat So He Stays Warm Waiting Outside.

So sweet but where is the owner at I would never leave my fur baby ch.a.ined outside!

A woman was walking her dog, and when she wanted to go inside the post office, she discovered that they don’t allow pets in, having no choice, she [forc.ed] the dog to be hers in a tree outside the post office.

However, fearing that the dog would suffer from the cold outside, she turned around and put her coat on him. While his mother wraps her coat around him, the adorable dog stays quietly and proudly in his area.

Everyone was [ta.ken ab.ack] by the sight of a puppy dressed in a blue coat by his human mom; some people took photos and shared them online, and many people expressed interest in this scene.

Hollie, who witnessed the incident, said: As soon as she got up and walked past me, I told her that what she was doing was exceptionally sweet and thoughtful.

Although there is some [cont.rov.ersy] about not allowing pets in the library, [] dogs outside can lead to the.ft. But this is clearly a case of force majeure, and no one wants to leave their furry baby outside.

Either way, the picture of the dog in the blue coat is adorable, and hopefully, his mother finishes it quickly and takes him home.

What a sweet lady thinking of this dog so cold outside. You will be greatly blessed and appreciated mam for your sweetness!! God bless you and this dog. He is so beautiful and patient!! 

She obviously loves the dog – is it necessary to run her down for not being perfect?

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